Escape Financial Worries...

Unlock Peace of Mind!

Discover How Annuities Can

Maximize Your Retirement Income


401k, a 403b OR AN IRA...

Does Yours Provide a

Social-Security-Like Income

that you can't outlive?


Turn Up Your Sound Watch the Video

We're Reinventing Retirement

Follow these "3" STEPS

to Learn More!

Step #1.

Download Our FREE Report

"Don't Worry

Retire Happy"

It's a Definitive Guide

to Understanding Annuities

and How to Use them for a Safe

Worry-Free Retirement!

Step #2.

Great things Start with

a Simple Converstation....

Let's Talk About Your Future...

  • SCHEDULE A FREE STRATEGY CALL. Let's talk about Maximizing Your Social Security, Your Goals and Your Many Planning Options! If You decide to purchase Your New Annuity Plan through Us...We'll Compare More than 1,000 Annuity Plans, using a Proprietary Software finding You the Best Social-Security Like Income, Best Returns and Options to Help You Reinvent Your Retirement based on Your Personal Goals.

  • WE'RE ABOUT YOUR SAFETY AND SECURITY! You have to make your life savings last your entire life! We Create Annuity Plans that turn 401k's, 403b's and IRA's into a Social-Security-Like Income...the kind You Can Count On, the Kind You Can't Outlive...PLUS, Protect Your Assets from the Unthinkable!

  • WE'RE ABOUT OPTIMIZING ALL YOUR ASSETS! It's Not Just an Annuity, it's Not just Social Security! Our Plans work like a Orchestra. We Coordinate all Your Assets, keeping everything in line with Your Specific Retirement Goals.

  • WE'RE ABOUT NO FEE'S! Put Your Wallet Away, there is No Cost to put an Annuity Income Plan into Place.

  • WE'RE ABOUT GUARANTEES! We know you'll be satisfied. If not, all plans come with a No Risk 100% Money Back Guarantee!

  • WE'RE ABOUT LESS STRESS IN RETIREMENT...You Sleep Better! Instead of Worrying about Daily Market Swings ie. Did the Market Go Up or Down? Did I Lose Money? Can I Afford to do the things I love? Imagine the feeling of being 100% Certain, knowing that you have a Monthly Social-Security-Like Income that You Can Count On and Can't Outlive!

  • WE'RE ABOUT YOUR PEACE OF MIND & YOUR FAMILY...IMAGINE the Peace of Mind and Satisfaction You'll Experience from knowing you got things Right....For You and for Your Family.



The "Fit" is based on Available Products in the State you live in, Your Age, the Amount of Savings You Put into an Annuity & How Soon or Long You Wait to Start Lifetime Income.

Our simple form will help you get a Free Tailor-made Annuity Compaison Report of Annuity Rate Quotes from A+ Rated Insurance Co's

Plus a copy of our Free Report...

"Don't Worry Retire Happy"

First Name*

Last Name*

Phone Number*

Enter Your Best Email*

Tell Us Your Age (Payout rates vary based on age and life expectancy)*

OPTIONAL - How Much Do You Want to Invest into the Annuity?

OPTIONAL - How Many Years Do You Want to Wait to Start Your Annuity Income?

For Product Availability, What's Your City, State & Zip*

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America United Wealth Planning and

Serving families like Yours Since 1982.

America United Wealth Planning/America United Retirement Planning BBB Business Review

* This information will remain private and confidential. It will only be used by and America United Wealth Planning to determine if an annuity is right for you. All content is for educational purposes only. Before purchasing any investment product or Insurance Product be sure to do your own due diligence and consult a properly licensed professional should you have specific questions as they relate to your individual circumstances. Annuity riders may be available for an additional annual premium that can provide additional benefits and income guarantees. By contacting us you may speak with an insurance licensed agent in your state, and you may be offered insurance products for sale. Please note that the examples herein are not company nor are they product-specific. They are concepts shown to give you general information on the benefits and limitations of the products and strategies and are not designed to be a recommendation to buy any specific financial product or service. Products change and such product concepts may not be suitable for your needs or available in your state. Annuity guarantees rely on the financial strength and claims-paying ability of the issuing insurance company and are not guaranteed by any bank or the FDIC. Videos, Logos and Articles used are the property of the respective sources and outlets and are owned, and protected by their individual copyright laws.

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By responding, to this offer you may be contacted by a licensed insurance agent regarding retirement income planning using fixed insurance products.

All producers have the appropriate licenses for the products they offer.